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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Excellence Is An Attitude — Create An Attitude Worth Having

The statement, “other people are necessary in our life”, is not wholly true for everyone, but does hold true for most of us. Human companionship and interaction is good for us, and helps keep us sane, happy, motivated and healthy.

With this said, it can be easy to want to help and take care of others, sometimes putting the needs of others before our own. There is nothing wrong with assisting or caring for others. Being generous and kind does something positive for our deeper self.

At the same time, in considering the needs, feelings, and actions of other people many people tend to forget the most important thing in life: taking exquisite care of themselves.

You were born in this world alone and you will leave this world that very same way. You are the surest constant in your life, and it is important that you take exceptionally good care of yourself. Doing for others and considering others is great, but never at the cost of your own self.

Begin Within

Taking care of you may be much easier said than it is done—because the task must begin within us, in our mind. You must first work on your self-image.

How do you see yourself? Do you pick on yourself when you make a mistake? The vast majority of people spend way too much time self fault finding and harping on their own shortcomings.

Do you spend much time second-guessing yourself, or worrying about how you could have done something better? Do you let sarcasm, condescension, or someone being irritated with you affect the way that you see yourself? If you answered with even a hint of a ‘Yes,’ it’s time for you to start redesigning your self-image.

What’s Within Your Mind?

If you don’t see yourself in a positive light, other people will have difficulty doing so as well because what’s going on within radiates out. No one is such a superb actor or actress that they can indefinitely hide their emotional state. It shows.

Think about it—remember someone you’ve encountered who lacked confidence. Could you tell? I’d bet you could. To be ongoingly successful and enjoy your life the majority of the time, good self-esteem (esteem> Latin = Value) and a positive self-image are a bottom-line.

Don’t Get Caught In The Doldrums

I’d bet you at least occasionally get stuck doing things that may not be especially fun or pleasing. All work at times falls into that category.

It’s often something we need to do, even though we may not really want to. Most would agree that having money is a good thing. It’s necessary for survival in our world today. And unless you’re sitting on a dragons horde of jewels, then it’s probably important that you occasionally do something to generate some cash.

Because this “need to do” situation does exist, it is important to also work in as many things as possible that you love to do. (Even when you don’t think you have time, if it’s a priority you “make” time for them.)

Taking good care of your mental health and physical health are both important. Choose to make yourself a priority.

Best of Success, Dr. Larry

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