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Energize Your Life – Use Your Brain For A Change (Part 7)

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(…continued from last week)

Attitudes & Emotions of Power

Once you begin receiving the signals of change, or that a new direction is needed, when you’re paying attention finally, there are attitudes of power that will energize your life and bring vitality into everything you see and do. These powerful attitudes and emotions allow you to use those signals you are receiving, so you can move forward into a more energized, vivacious, fruitful life.

One of the very first energizing principles is an attitude of gratitude. Live with an attitude of gratitude. Could you have more? Could you do better in your life, your finances, your hobbies? You need to appreciate what you have.

What’s a major culture shock for most of us is go to some third world countries where they don’t have opulence like we do in the Western World. It’s a real eye opener. In many cases it makes you feel very grateful for all that you have.

Couldn’t you stand more? Of course, but gratitude is an aspect of love and thankfulness that are blended together. Gratitude is saying, “I’ve got stuff, I’ve got good things, I’ve got me, I’ve got health, I’ve got air, I’ve got what I need.” More? Sure more is fine but that isn’t necessarily something that you have to have.

Cultivate this attitude of gratitude and your life will begin to grow and expand because this gratitude principle is part of the ultimate law of success. To succeed you have to be grateful for what you have. If you do not feel grateful for what you have the universe will, in many cases, take away from you that which you do have. You have to be willing to enjoy it and to appreciate those things or you tend to lose them.

Another attitude of proactiveness is being cheerful, being optimistic and being warm towards other human beings. This means you are focused on the good. You are focused on things that are of benefit to you and the people around you. You focus on the beautiful day, you focus on the help that someone has given you, you focus on the joy you get from the people you associate with at your church.

There are things that are absolutely unfair. People are not always nice. Tough decisions have to be made. Scary things happen that just absolutely terrify you. People say hurtful things. Yeah of course, that’s reality. But don’t waste your time dwelling on that stuff. Get over it. Focus on the opportunities in your life. Focus on the good you can have and do. Believe in the possibilities and you can have all the abundance you are willing to claim. And because you’re positive, others will be more attracted to you.

Who do you want to be around; some grumpy, nasty, mean-hearted person, or somebody who’s proactive, somebody who’s more cheerful? Somebody who really goes out and gives life their best shot. They do what they can do and they do it with a positive attitude. Think about it, which of those people are you making yourself?

Because every single thought that you have is adding a grain of sand to the negative or to the positive and it is absolutely a choice. Every thought you think is building more of the good stuff or the bad stuff. Which are you compounding in your life?

A third attitude that supports and energizes your life is passion, enthusiasm and excitement. Get your energy up. Years ago I heard a motivator by the name of Glenn Turner say, “If you want to be enthusiastic you have to act enthusiastic,” which absolutely aligns with behavioral psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive conditioning and all the rest of it. It gets your energy up. Don’t bemoan what isn’t working.

Pick something, put your energy behind it and go for it. Get excited. You give it your best shot; your brain and your body will focus in that direction. Chart a course of action. Launch yourself into it. This power of passion moves you forward faster and easier because you see the possibilities and are clear about what you want.

Passion is a focusing device. Excitement and enthusiasm drive you. Use your mind, use your body; use your emotions to energize your life. Focus on the action with enthusiasm. Put yourself in motion.

To be proactive means to go out and go for it. Pro means ‘for’; positive, towards. Action means ‘to move’. So proactive means I put myself in a positive motion forward. Be proactive, be passionate, have some of this energy in your life. You will feel better and the people around you will love it.

The fourth state, the fourth attitude, that goes along to support this energizing your life is having confidence and determination. Confidence and determination are about a decision. You have made a decision to do something; sports, work, make money, be in love, whatever.

Confidence and determination is from a decision you make. Confidence builds because you go out and you give it a shot. You try it, you do okay, you try it again, you get a little better, you try it again, you get a little better, you try it again, and so on.

Confidence builds over time because of action. You decide that you’ll go out and give it a shot. That this thing is valuable enough to you so you will follow through until the end. You keep moving. It builds your confidence. It gives you drive and determination.

With confidence and determination you really have few barriers because the largest barriers are normally self-imposed. It’s not other people and what they say or what they do or what they think of us or the barriers they throw in our way. The real barriers are the ones inside your mind that hold you back. These attitudes absolutely destroy fear and apathy.

When you work on feeling calm, confident, self-assured and have determination to achieve your goal – you’re moving forward with decisiveness – you have power. You absolutely become an immovable, unstoppable object because of the fact you know where you’re going and you’re working through that power.

(to be continued…)

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