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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


The Five Core Components To Building Rapid Success (Part 5)

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(…continued from last week)

Watch Your Focus

People who have attended my programs have heard me say, “Whatever you focus on most, you will draw more of that into your life.” So whatever you’re seeing mostly within your mind, whatever you keep hearing yourself talk about, and whatever you feel most strongly within your body—you will have more of that.

So what he had to do was quit focusing on the panic and anxiety attacks, and focus on health and energy, laughter and goodness, fun with his family. He learned to control his life and relax his physiology on command. He got control of his life and no longer has anxiety and panic attacks. 

One of the things that can be a stumbling block in this process is that anxiety is a normal part of life. You need a little anxiety; it helps guide you sometimes. But anxiety and panic attacks are way beyond that, you don’t need those. For each of us we need to choose our focus. We need to be tenacious about what we want to have.

Don’t Give Up Your Vision

Well meaning people oftentimes will try and talk you out of your vision. They say, “Oh it’s too hard for you,” or “Gosh, you’re just not quite talented enough,” or “You’d have to be crazy to try that,” or “Oh, I don’t know, I don’t think that there’s enough time to be able to pull that off, “ or “That’s way too much money to do ______.” What you are hearing is their limitations that are being projected on to you.

You need to keep your focus where you want it to go. You need to be tenacious. If you want to be successful in business you have to keep after it. You don’t get there and just stay there—you must continuously keep moving.

Success Requires Failure

When I was growing up, there was a family friend by the name of Lester LaFortune. He was a serial entrepreneur. He had great, great successes and huge, huge failures.

One of my best memories of him was when we went to Lake Tahoe to visit him and his wife. And he had a brand new Chris-Craft ski boat. And we spent days zooming around Lake Tahoe in this beautiful speed boat. I still vividly remember the cold water and the zigzagging back and forth and the laughter, just amazing.

Mr. LaFortune prospected for gold. He’d figured out a possible location, got a group of investors to back him, and made a fortune mining gold. Well the gold mining was winding down, it was running out, and so he took his money and invested it in oil, and lost it all. Creditors took his house, his cars, his boat—they took everything.

He later managed to scrape together a little money. He found an opportunity for manufacturing in the chemical industry, so set up a small laboratory. He grew this into a huge company, then sold it for hundreds of millions of dollars. He was absolutely set.

He then took that money and he invested it in mining again, because mining had been good to him. He lost it all again.

Not Giving Up

Next he decided to do something that would be a little more stable. So he founded a garbage company for the city of Reno. Mom showed me a picture of him sitting at his desk. He had a gold garbage can that was about a foot high sitting on his desk, and he was just sitting smiling, patting the top of the garbage can. Garbage cans had been able to create gold for him again.

Mr. LaFortune sent me a postcard that I had on my wall in my bedroom. It had a picture of Thomas Edison on the front. And underneath the picture of Edison was a caption. I read it over and over.

Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people, because it’s dressed in overalls, and looks like work.”

How true that simple statement is. It takes energy. It takes focus to attain our goals. Mr. LaFortune I remember a number of times saying, “Don’t let other people limit you. You can do whatever you want, you just focus on what you want and then you go out and get it.”

(to be continued…)

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