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The Five Core Components To Building Rapid Success (Part 9)

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(…continued from last week)

The Formula for Success

The next of the core components is to move through those things that hold us back by using the Formula for Success. The Formula for Success really is just a few little pieces.

The first part of the Formula we already talked about. It’s having a vision, a compelling vision or desired result that you plan and break down into steps.

Next, after you have these steps broken out, you take action on that plan. You look at the first step you need to take and you do something with it. You take action.

Then third, after you’ve taken action, you get or you collect feedback and revise your actions so that you can go again.

Which is number four–act again, keep moving, keep going, take another step, revise, repeat. You keep doing this. The Formula for Success moves you from nothing to something.

The Formula Applied

For example, let’s say you wanted to learn to play tennis. The first thing is you have to have a picture in your mind of wanting to play tennis. And you build this vision of being able to hit the ball. Not even well necessarily to start off with, but you start envisioning yourself being able to hit that ball.

With that you then go out and you get a few pieces of equipment you need–a tennis racquet, tennis balls, some tennis shoes. And you find somebody to go out and hit the ball around with you a little bit. And through that you refine your ability to hit the ball and you keep getting better and better.

That’s how you create the vision, you get what you need to make it happen, you take action, collect feedback, you change and alter your course of action and you go again. Through this simple process anything can be done. This applies to making more money; this applies to raising healthy, wonderful, happy children, to becoming an executive within your organization, increasing your vitality, having better health than you’ve ever had in your life. Any of these things are the exact same steps. You can do them all.

If you want to have a greater income, for instance. Well, what is your vision? Where do you want to get to? Create this vision. You find a product or you find a service that you can have or something within your own organization at this time. You find a way to make yourself more valuable and then you take a step.

Notice the feedback you get from that step. Did it work? Did it not work? Is it making progress? Is it not? Then you take another step. Then you revise your plan of action and you move again. The Formula for Success–plan, act, notice the feedback, take another step, is the way all success has been gained somewhere along the way. It truly is the driving force. It is the way that we get from where we are today to where we want to be tomorrow.

Gain Altitude With Attitude

The last component of the aspect of building rapid success, is really where it all starts. That is with your attitude.

Right after he turned 70 years old, Ty Cobb was interviewed by a reporter. The reporter said to him, “You were a good hitter. If you were still playing baseball nowadays how do you think you would do?”

Well, Cobb had a lifetime batting average of 367. That batting average has still not been broken today for a lifetime career average. That’s huge!

Mr. Cobb said, “Well I’d probably hit about 290, maybe 300.” The reporter said, “I imagine that’s probably because of all the travel you’d have to do and playing night games and new pitches like the slider, that they didn’t have when you were playing baseball, right?”

Cobb very calmly looked at him and said, “No, it’s not because of any of that. It’s because I’m 70 now.” Now that’s a positive attitude. I mean he’s going to still go out there and have an average that most people couldn’t even hope to attain.

You choose your choice of focus. You can either reinforce ‘yes I can’ or you can reinforce ‘no I can’t’, but it is still your choice. You choose. It’s really up to you to make this happen. There’s nobody that can stop you from where you want to get to. There’s nobody who can compel you to move and get there other than you.

(to be continued…)

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