The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Persuasion Secrets for Success – Strategies for Getting People to Buy-In (Part 4)

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(…continued from last week)

Motivational Inputs

It is possible to have whatever you want—you just have to persuade. The most successful people have assistance and buy in from others into their pet projects. Whether that is selling, playing, doing a project or cleaning the house, motivation really is a gut decision. It feels like you ought to do __X__ – clean the house, go to work, go to the beach, wash your windows, write a thank you letter to somebody you owe one to, clean out your desk – it’s a decision process. You decide this feels right and so you take action or don’t take action, but this is a decision process that is triggered from feelings.

Motivation is a feeling. You do this feeling process 100 or more times a day. You do it when you’re deciding what you’re going to eat, what clothes you’re going to wear, what route you’re going to take to work or to the store, the tasks you have to do at work, the emails, the meetings, the phone calls, the memos, etc.

Making so many decisions could be overwhelming if they all had to be made only from pure logical analysis and reasoned evaluation. Your gut feeling is crucial to short circuiting this logical, grinding process and solving the issue faster and easier.

“The Psychology
  of Nonverbals”

Learn how to effectively use nonverbals to boost your persuasiveness and break through miscommunications. Learn more »

Remember, we aren’t thinking beings that feel but in reality we are feeling beings that also happen to think. So how can you use this powerful feeling process to your benefit? Through preprogramming and creating an emotional and mental trigger to help you with this process any time you desire.

Preprogramming and Triggering

I want to start by giving you a couple of brief definitions. First, preprogramming – preparation that’s done ahead of time. It’s getting ready before the action time comes. It’s setting up and preprogramming ahead for what will be required so that you have the skill sets when needed.

The second definition is for triggers. Triggers are a preprogrammed link that stimulates a physical, mental or emotional response pattern when you want. It becomes an automatic response from your body or your sub conscious mind on demand when you want it to.

I want to teach you how to, number one, preprogram in a future response and, number two, create a trigger to elicit this same response in the future.

This is a very powerful process that can have a major positive effect on your life if you use it regularly. I’ve taught this to athletes of about every sport, from pre-teen people up to individuals in their eighties. I’ve done this with students, executives, salespeople, firefighters, doctors, homemakers. This amazing process will definitely give you a mental edge that can assist you in every area of your life.

Just follow along with this powerful technique for preprogramming your mind and generating a subconscious trigger that you can use repeatedly.

Beginning the Process

I want you to stand up for a couple of minutes. Why would I want you to do that? Neuroscience shows that you have the least amount of neurons firing when you are lying down, you have more neurons firing in your brain when you are sitting and you have more neurons firing automatically when you are standing up.

So standing is going to make a deeper impact because you already have more neurons firing before we even begin to do anything and that will help embed this idea and this concept more deeply into your conscious and your subconscious mind.

(to be continued…)

Has this program caught your interest? Just can’t wait to hear the next segment? Or perhaps you’d like to download the entire program to your phone or tablet and listen during your travels? You can purchase and immediately receive this entire program as a digital download. You will receive all 10 audio segments, plus a 27 page PDF transcript! Order Now: Persuasion Secrets for Success

The Psychology of Nonverbals
Strategies For Reducing Misunderstandings And Improving Your Communications. Becoming an exceptional communicator is a learned skill. Would knowing how to influence others to take action be of benefit to you? Do people ever misunderstand what you say? You can end that now. Learn the psychology of nonverbal language. Since over 90% of communication meaning is not from the words themselves, make your vocabulary work even better through applying the power of the 9 core aspects of nonverbals. Psychologist, trainer and author Dr. Larry Iverson will guide you through exactly how to use these proven communication strategies, in this “Psychology of Nonverbal Vocabulary” training session.