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Persuasion Secrets for Success – Strategies for Getting People to Buy-In (Part 5)

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(…continued from last week)

Stand Up…

I want you to stand up for a couple of minutes because it causes you to have more neurons firing, before we even begin to do anything, and that will help embed this idea and this concept more deeply into your conscious and your subconscious mind.

The first thing I want you to do now that you’re standing is just take in a breath that’s a little deeper than normal. Hold it a moment, and breathe out when you are ready.

Now, just breathe a normal breath in and out.

Next, take in one more comfortable breath that’s just a little deeper than normal. Hold it a moment, and whenever you’re ready exhale. Just be comfortable.

Now, I want you to feel your physiology. I want you to feel what your body feels like right here, right now. For instance, as you stand there wiggle your toes a little bit. Feel what your feet feel like in your shoes if you have shoes on, or if you aren’t wearing any, then feel what your feet feel like on whatever surface you are standing. Just notice them.

Stretch a little bit. Notice your legs; and move your legs a little bit and notice the muscles in your legs.

Move and rotate your shoulders around a bit, and just shake your arms a moment. Twist your torso gently. Rotate your neck, and become aware of your body.

Just notice how it feels to be you standing right here, right now, at this moment in time.

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Notice that you are just fine. There is nothing you must do for just a moment, other than go along and learn this process. That’s right; you don’t have anything you have to do for the next couple of minutes so just be here now. Just feel your physiology. Stretch and move a bit—breathe. Just be in this moment, not thinking of what you did today, or what you’ll be doing later. Just here and now.

Recall a Great Time

I want you to think of a time when you felt great. See it, hear it, feel it. Remember a good time, perhaps you were at a party. Or it may be a time when you were on a vacation. Maybe it’s a holiday with friends or family. Or maybe you just received an acknowledgement at work that made you feel proud of yourself and feel good about what you were contributing. Or maybe you were laughing with a good friend. This great time may be a place in nature you really like. Just notice how good it feels to be at this great time.

Recall that scene. Imagine it in your mind. See it again like you’re looking out of your own eyes—as if you’re right there, right now. See it vividly, distinctly, make it come alive!

Hear the sounds that were there. For example, if you were at the beach you’d hear the waves rolling in. Perhaps there’s a breeze blowing in the trees and making a gentle rustling of the leaves. If you’re at a party, hear some of the background noise. Maybe there’s music or laughter in the background. See it, hear it, make it come alive. Create a mental movie that is vivid, sharp, distinct, clear in your mind. Just see it again now, as if you’re right there, looking out of your own eyes.

As you do this, as you bring it alive once again. As you see this scene, as you feel what it was like to be there, as you feel the sun on your body out of doors, or you feel the warmth of the environment where you were laughing with good friends—you are re-creating the memory. As you are envisioning this, notice how good it makes you feel inside. Stop and notice how good it makes you feel. How it warms you up, from the inside out. Bring that good back alive again right now, through seeing, hearing and feeling it.

Creating a Subconscious Trigger

Now, while you are seeing this I want you to gently press your thumb and your middle finger on your left hand together. Comfortably press them together. As you press them together, see this great time. Notice how good you feel while you thing of that time. Keep a light pressure on your thumb and middle finger on your left hand. As you see and feel the positive time, while pressing your thumb and finger—you are linking them up in your subconscious. You are anchoring them together. You are creating a positive trigger that can re-elicit this positive feeling in the future whenever you want.

Separate your thumb and your finger for a moment and let go of that scene you just saw. Maybe even shake it off a little bit.

Now, I want you to repeat this process a second time. It makes a deeper impression in your mind and body. Imagine now, another time and a place where you’re really feeling great. Happy, excited, thoroughly enjoying yourself. You can feel it in your body—it warms you up from the inside out. See the sights. You can hear the sounds. You can feel the positive feeling and the warmth there at the moment.

While you are re-experiencing that good time, once again press together your middle finger and thumb on your left hand and hold them. Create a bit of pressure. See the scene, feel it, hear it, notice what it was like to have been there. See it out of your own eyes. Make it come alive right now while we’re doing this process.

You’re creating an anchor. You’re creating a trigger with your left hand so that in the future when you do this positive, uplifting feeling will immediately come back. Now separate your thumb and finger. And just move a bit or stretch.

Now for the third time, I want you once again imagine another positive scene in your life. It could be one of the previous good times if you aren’t able to remember a different one. But recall having a great time – a holiday, a party, a place in nature, a place you’ve gone that made you feel wonderful, or an acknowledgement you got. See it out of your own eyes, like you are really there. Press together your thumb and your middle finger on your left hand. Hold them together while you see the scene and notice how good you feel in your body as you remember this wonderful time in your life. Envision it; hear the sounds, feel what it’s like inside your body, feel what it’s like to be there.

Each time you do this process and anchor it with your thumb and finger, it strengthens the neuron pathway and deepens the connection. You can keep adding to this positive over and over by adding other great memories.

There are a number of reasons I’m having you use your left hand. One is that if you go to shake hands with your right hand, no one will notice that you’re pressing your thumb and middle finger together on your left hand at the same time. Another is that if you are standing in front of someone talking, they won’t notice the subtle thumb and finger touching.

(to be continued…)

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