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Nonverbal Communication Effectiveness

Are there people in your life whose company you greatly enjoy? They are easy to be around? Conversation with them just flows and is mutually satisfying to both of you?

There are many things you can do to make that happen with just about anyone. The most important thing you can do is monitor your nonverbal communications and the signals you are sending out.

Dr. Albert Mehrabian said, “Communication is 55% visual, 38% tonal, and 7% the words we say.”

When he first made that statement in his book “Silent Messages” he had many people telling him he was wrong. But mountains of research support Dr. Mehrabian’s results.

To be a highly effective communicator, watch the visual signals you are giving to others.

Anything someone can see is a communication. The look on your face, the amount of eye contact you make, the way you posture your body, the gestures you give, the clothing you wear, the way you move your head when you or they speak—are all sending visual communication signals.

As you are monitoring your communication signals, make sure you are watching theirs and that they are giving signals that show they are comfortable with what you are doing. If not, then alter the signals you use.

Tonal nonverbal communications include the volume of your voice (don’t overdo the loudness), the speed you speak at, monotone or with inflection, enunciating clearly or mumbling, having a smooth pace or jerky tempo of talking. These send signals that will put others at ease or make them feel uncomfortable.

Listen to how they are speaking. Then—match it. Don’t copy them, but have a close approximation in the way you speak. When you do this it will sound right to them and put them more at ease.

Taking time to grow your communication ability is crucial to relationship effectiveness. Practice this with everyone you meet and watch your relationships deepen and improve.

Here are proven strategies for helping you be a more effective communicator. This will help you in all your relationships–personal and professional. “The Nonverbal Communicator” is an 8 CD and 1 DVD package put together by communication experts. Go to >>> If you’ve ever wanted to improve your ability to read people better, and make sure you are getting your message across, this will do it.