The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Acknowledge The Good

When was the last time a co-worker, friend or family member gave you a heart-felt, sincere thank you. Not just a “thanks for doing blah blah blah….” But a real, look you in the eye, take their time, slowly and fully say how much they appreciate you or what you did.

For most people that rarely happens. It feels really good when it does, wouldn’t you agree?

Are there people in your life who would appreciate an acknowledgement from you? More realistically–is there ANYONE you know who would not appreciate a sincere recognition of what they mean to you?

Here’s your homework. Are you ready? It’s time for you to step up…

Every day for the next ten days, choose at least one person you want to sincerely thank, praise and shed some warmth on. Spend a minimum of thirty seconds expressing why you appreciate them. Why you are grateful they are in your life. What they bring to you and others that really enhances your world and makes them special to you.

Step up! Do it! When you do this you will become a bigger person. You can have a major positive effect on a persons life just by letting them know the value they have and bring to you and/or others.

This is harder than it seems. Can you do it? Think about a few great things about that person. Have it in your mind before you start. You must commit to it, and then every day — follow through.

When you give goodness and positive to others–who wins? Both of you. You can help make the day a bit better for everyone you encounter–if you are willing to share with them the positive they bring to your life. They deserve it–and you become a bigger person in the process.

Do your homework. Best of Success to You.