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Break Free From The Past–Today Is A New Day

Have you ever wasted time? Perhaps you didn’t give a task you were doing your best? Do you remember feeling blah so you just procrastinated on something needing done?

My goodness–you are human!

Every person on the planet experiences that at sometime. Let it be your past, not your present or future.

It doesn’t matter how many mistakes you’ve made. Mistakes are normal. What is crucial is have you learned from the mistakes you’ve made? If not, pause and think what would be a better course of action

Give yourself a break. Forgive yourself for being a flawed human. Then commit to yourself to take action in a new way beginning where you are right now.

Bemoaning that you are not in the perfect place will not build your success. Focused goals, learning and action will.

No matter what’s happened in the past, don’t let it imprison you or discourage you from going for your goals again. Instead, look around you. Find something worth your time and energy and go for it!

Life is a “now” based thing. Be here now. Don’t live in the past. Don’t spend all your moments planning for the future. Use your now to set up the life you desire.

Live with an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful for all you’ve learned, and all the coming possibilities you can experience. Look forward to the rest of your day and all your tomorrows with positive expectancy. Expect good to come, and you begin to magnetizing yourself for a better tomorrow.

Here are 7 strategies for building the inner power you need to achieve the great results you want. Check out this downloadable program in MP3 or PDF: