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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Breaking Free! (Part 6)

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(…continued from last week)

A Very Harsh Reality

When interviewing concentration camp survivors after World War II, it was discovered that many of them were very helpful, very positive, and even though they had been starved, abused and had horrible things done to them and lost many people they’d loved–they had come out of the concentration camp as exceptional human beings.

In order for you to move out of your stuck state, whether personal or professional, you need to be able to take a risk. You need to be able to step up. You need to think about as Einstein did, is the world a safe place or is it not a safe place? Even if it is not necessarily safe, you need to think about how you can do something to move yourself and break free from that stuck place.

Change Management
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You need to remember that every moment and every situation is a brand new moment and a brand new opportunity for a situation to develop into something. Yes, touchy situations move us in ways that positive, happy ones don’t.

As the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said during the process of helping care for a friend during a slow, painful death, “If this doesn’t kill me, it shall certainly make me stronger.” Hopefully you don’t have to go through too many of those. Make a choice to deal with it, to do something, to choose the positive, to choose what you can do to help you move forward into an ever-better today and a much better tomorrow. Every moment is a brand new moment and a brand new situation.

To put this simply, your choice points provide an opportunity for you to either react or respond. If you just react and run on your gut, you’re hitting the repeat button, you’re going back and doing the same thing over and over, you’ll still be stuck in the same cycle.

On the other hand, if you choose instead of reacting, to respond, to think about it, to break out of the old rut, to stop digging if you’re in that hole, then you’re resetting that button and giving yourself the opportunity to have a new day and a better tomorrow.

Making the most of every moment is a choice. You can either do the same old, same old, or you can make a choice to think about it and take action in a new way, making this moment right now and this situation new.

Take the time every day to think about what you’re doing, where you’re going and don’t just react. Choose to focus and think in new ways and make a new response to grow your life and better your circumstances.

Step Up To The Truth

Eric Berne, the founder of Transaction Analysis said, “For us to really live an effective life we must have awareness, we must make great choices so that we can gain control where we can gain control.”

Awareness, Choice, Control

You need to be aware of what’s going on inside of you and what you’re choosing to do. You need to be aware of what’s going on around you so you can situationally be conscious and not blindly walk into something that could give you a problem.

Through awareness of what’s going on in you and around you, you can make better choices about what you will do and what you will not do. Once you become clearer about what you will and won’t do, what’s valuable to you, then you can make better choices that lead you to having more control.

Taking a risk, stepping up, managing yourself gives you more control in your life. As you become more conscious and have more control, you feel better about the way you interact with the world around you.

Awareness, choice, control. Be aware of what’s going on inside of you and outside so you. The saying ‘What is the only thing we can control, ourselves’ has been around a long time but it’s absolutely true. The only thing you can really control is you – your responses, your emotions, your behaviors, what you say and don’t say. You cannot control what other people will or won’t do nor the situations you’re in necessarily.

(to be continued…)

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The Science Of Change Management
Have you ever felt overwhelmed and had a hard time breaking free from it? What if there was a proven technique you could use that calms you in 2 to 5 minutes—would you want to learn it? Would knowing 6 ways to increase resilience when unexpected change occurs be of help? Psychologist and author, Dr. Larry Iverson has worked with over a million people in the last 30 years helping them create better lives through proactively managing and driving change. Apply the strategies in 7 Powerful Strategies for Managing the Rapids of Change and gain better control beginning today! Learn 4 common practices used by people who are over 100 years old for managing change. Learn 6 tactics that instantly increase your resilience to managing change or hardship. Understand the 7 phases all change goes through, and how to better deal with them. Learn why overwhelm happens, and how to overcome it easier and faster. Know the #1 strategy for not just surviving change, but how to thrive during change.