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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Build a Powerful Reason Why

Do you have something you want in your life, that you believe is reason worthwhile and doable—but it keeps eluding you?  Stop focusing on why you can’t.  Begin to tell yourself the “reason why” you can and will—now!

Obstacles are on the path to any goal.  That’s life.  You need to learn strategies to overcome them.  But before the skillsets—you need to have a compelling “reason why”.

Your “reason why” is the driving force behind every great achievement.  When you desire to make something happen, with the same level of desire as you’d want air, if you were trapped under water—for all intents and purposes, nothing can stop you! 

Fine-focus your brain on your “reason why”.  Keep that powerful driver in front of you all the time.  Why do deadlines work?  Because they are a powerful “reason why”.  

If there are things blocking you that are challenging, build your purpose and energy larger.  Make that happen through seeing the “reason why” in your mind bigger, brighter, bolder.  You see the achievement as a “done deal”, and the secondary rewards you get from it as coming to you now.  Carry the passion and “gut feeling” that are the core of the “reason why” with you continuously.

When you see the barrier in front of you—look beyond it!  Focus further out.  Look out to the reward you’ll receive by attaining your desired outcome.  Create a connection to your desired outcome with your gut level “reason why”.  That’s where the power is.

Keep your emotional connection “reason why” right in front of you.. As you do, you become unstoppable!