The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Create Your Reality

Don’t let others hook you. Whatever they say or do is just that—what they said or did. It really has nothing to do with you.

If they are behaving negatively, projecting garbage into your world, that’s their problem. And it will stay their problem unless you take it on. Make a choice—Don’t! You don’t have to let them jerk your chain.

If you let them push your buttons, at the moment that occurs, they have control of your brain. Guess what? You don’t have to give them that power. No excuses—you can stay detached and not get caught up their emotional tornado.

There’s no one who knows better what’s good for you, than you. No one can make your skills grow and thrive other than you. And, no one can hold you down, other than you. Today you can begin to unleash your potential.

Other’s can definitely cheer you on. They can encourage your movement. They can assist you in staying on track. But the bottom line is—it’s always up to you.

Focus on the good around you. Connect with people and situations that are moving in the same positive direction you want your life to go. Give your day a nudge mentally, emotionally, physically, nutritionally, spiritually, financially, relationally—in the direction you want to go.

If you hear another’s opinion that criticizes you—so what…. They have a right to their opinion—whether it is accurate or 100% wrong. AND, that opinion T or F has no way of stopping you from all you can accomplish. Unless of course you let your internal negative dialogue take-off.

You have value. You are unique. No one can be a better you than you can. No matter what is going on in the world around you, you create your own destiny. Keep on with your work and goals. You can have whatever you desire, and are willing to claim.

Stay focused on your possibilities—because they are endless.

Best of Success, Dr. Larry