The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Customers for Life–Winning the Service and Interaction Olympics

You and every person in your organization is in sales and marketing. You are selling your relationship, the job or service, communication, goodwill and much more.

Here’s an excellent definition of customer: “The customer is anyone with whom you must deal.” This means everyone you interact with is your customer–mother, father, client, preacher, teacher, children, spouse, neighbors, etc. are all your customers.

Each moment spent with a customer is a marketing opportunity. And everything you do is either making the relationship better or worse. It’s like a scale that you are continuously adding grains of sand to. One grain tips the scale positive, others tip it negative. Watch which you are adding to your interaction scale.

Even if you don’t have direct contact with outside customers, each moment you spend with someone who does talk with customers, has the opportunity to positively influence customer relations. When you help team member feel better, it set’s them up to be positive for the next interaction they have.

Here are a few “Points To Ponder”

— When you are face-to-face with a customer, remember that impressions concerning you, your organization and your products are formed in four minutes or less. If you’re on the phone it takes only about 30 seconds.

— The way your whole organization is rated by customers is normally the result of an impression made by just a few employees. For instance, if you have a bad experience with a waitress at a restaurant, you say “that’s a bad restaurant”.

— Customers aren’t an interruption of your work (even if they call at inconvenient times), they are the reason you have work to do.

— Maintain a never-ending attitude of enthusiasm, caring and a spirit of service. They can feel it and will be more likely to want to work with you in the future.

— Solving a problem for a customer often deepens loyalties and builds a positive image of you and your organization. Be solution focused and not problem focused.

— Be personable, yet don’t get involved with extraneous personal matters. Stay warmly professional.

— Do your part to help the people around you clearly know the vision of your organization. This can then be used as the yardstick to tell if you are on-track in serving customers and building goodwill.

— Unless you are the only supplier of your product or service on the planet today, never ever forget that your customer buys you first, and your product second.

— Remember you are always selling. Do it well and you will thrive!

Best of Success, Dr. Larry

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