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Enhance Your Personal Effectiveness!

The Science of You:
Boosting Your Personal Effectiveness for Repeated Successes (Part 3 of 11)

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(…continued from last week)

Seeing From A New Perspective

Enhancing your personal effectiveness by an order of magnitude, by taking it up a step, really applying the Science of You, is not commonplace. Most people don’t do it. Most people never take a chance. Don’t be surprised to hear that unconventional success calls for unconventional approaches. The quantum leap requires rather paradoxical behavior. Unusual moves, actions on the surface sometimes seem to contradict common sense. Yet, they help move us forward.

Achievement Manifesto
Your decisions, learning, actions, and reactions determine your future!
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If you want to rapidly accelerate your achievement, you have to search out and employ new behaviors. We fall into the habits of relying on the behaviors that seem to work the best for us over the years—which is a good thing. You need to have some of those in place so you can just deal with life as it is. When you take that approach, it is serviceable. It helps us. Yet, we also have to be able to let go and relinquish that habit-pattern sometimes to move beyond it.

Invariably, trying new things, trying new moves, new maneuvers, slows us down. We oftentimes resist it because those new ways, those new things make us feel clumsy, sometimes awkward. It feels more risky. We sometimes don’t have all the knowledge we’d like so we tend to slow down, take it easy and not go as fast as we could.

Avoid Stuckness

But if you truly want to accelerate your rate of personal and professional achievement, you have to go out and actively and aggressively employ new behaviors, new attitudes, new ways of being. You have to be willing to break out of your routines to make this major step.

The things that worked for you in the past very likely could, sooner or later, lose their serviceability. But then again, they may not. You can keep using them, there is nothing wrong with that. Your customary approach still holds promise for maintaining present levels of growth. If you continuously rely on those same old routines, those same old ways—maybe even leaning on them when your past performance flattens out—you are stuck.

Just like that little bird. You are up against that window. You can’t even see through it. You keep banging your head on it. Here is the irony: historically, you have a tendency to succeed because of what you’ve done and do it again and again and it helps you succeed. Yet there comes a time when, because of changes in the world around us or work or whatever, we need to begin to break free of those patterns. This of course, is another course of action. It is another way of thinking about the Science of You, and taking you up to another level.

Beyond Normal

More of the same usually doesn’t give you anything but more of the same. So a quantum leap isn’t achieved through incremental steps or doing more of the same; you have to give it a new shot. You have to break through and try different patterns of behavior and action. The rules of what worked and what didn’t change when you are trying to make a move from normal performance to the Science of You.

If you stop and think about it, here is the way it goes: More of the same usually gives you just that, more of the same. Of course, if that is mainly what you are after, that’s fine. Keep after it. Because what you have done has obviously worked to some degree or you wouldn’t be where you are today. Yet, doing something new, giving something another shot, giving something more energy and more vibrancy and more power and trying a new way can also be highly beneficial.

It is not a sure thing. But you can’t keep doing the same thing expecting something to improve or get better. Sooner or later, you are going to reach a point where you can’t just ‘try harder’. If you do, it will wear you out. Just like that poor little bird. Oftentimes before we get to that place where we run into a set of circumstances that gets us, where trying harder is not working, we need to think about it and make a change before then so you’re not worn out.

This is not putting down self-discipline; this is not sticking to what is proven; this is not going against persistence and giving it a shot. This is not that at all. But over a lifetime, you have to find a way to do things in new, unique, different ways that can benefit you. You have to have staying power, yet at the same time you have to be willing to do new things.

(to be continued…)

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