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Enjoy Right Now

Every day has things to enjoy and be thankful for. Enjoy your right now.

Find that kernel of fulfillment lying dormant within each activity. Are some things you do mundane? Chores that just need to be done? Well, do them with a light heart instead of drudgery, and focus on the step-by-step achievement—instead of grumping.

Fulfillment is a choice. Two people can be doing the same thing—one feels a sense of accomplishment, the other only dismay. Choose your focus wisely.

Let joy and passion for each activity well up within you. Again, both of these are a choice. Let them arise and soar through all your doing. And know they will come and go like the waves at the beach. There is an ebb and flow to these. Promote them arising—allow them to diminish when appropriate.

You can overcome barriers by transcending your thoughts of difficulty. Don’t be naïve—there will be challenges. All you have to do though, is keep moving. Just take each moment, each win, each setback and keep on striding toward your desired outcome.

Each action you take is expanding your value. If you learn something new in that process, that’s just a bonus to your life.

If you feel guilt or worry—give yourself a break. Focusing on what should be or could have been will not benefit you in any way. Be here now. Grab on to this moment and live it as well as you have the ability to.

At times the challenges are intimidating. That just means you have learning at hand. You can do it. You can persist. You can struggle and move on. Allow yourself to focus on how great you really are.

Don’t put off life. You can’t hide from what needs doing—it will haunt you if you do. You can experience the fullness of each moment and each person you encounter. Make a pact with yourself—to let yourself feel, grow and live—because today is your day….