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Leadership Presence — The Charismatic Leader

Think of a leader you had who really worked well for you.

What was it about them that fit for you and your style of working? How did they talk to you? Were they proactive? What was his/her level of knowledge? How could you tell they respected you and empowered you to do your job without second guessing you? Could you see their confidence? All this and more are part of Leadership Presence.

Everyone has presence at some time. What makes this happen? How can you have it more?

Presence is developed. No one is born with it. It’s a verbal and nonverbal skillset that can be grown through practicing an accurate model.

Ever heard of John Wayne, the actor?

A successful executive I was coaching had a deal that had fallen apart with his most important client. He felt discouraged and afraid because of losing this core client. He managed to set up a meeting. His purpose was to see if he could salvage the lost client.

During the coaching session I gave him a number of ideas that could swing some of the power his way and keep the interaction even keeled and flowing.

I then said, “Have you ever watched a John Wayne movie?” He said he had.

“If John Wayne was walking into this meeting do you think he would look discouraged, defeated, and scared? Or would he look positive, proactive and in control?” He said it would be the latter.

“Then you need to step into your “John Wayne” presence and carry that into the meeting with you. Be John Wayne!

Long story short—he practiced stepping into his own John Wayne persona and when he entered into the client’s office he felt the charisma, power, confidence and certainty John Wayne portrayed.

He saved the client relationship. The client later said, “Your positive, proactive and visionary message convinced me we need to keep working together.”

Be John Wayne! Carry a powerful presence with you and you will strengthen good relationships and win over those who you want to have as allies.

If you would like to finally learn strategies that easily give you greater Presence quickly while also making you a better communicator, go check out >>> “How To Create A Commanding Presence”