The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Pay Attention To The Good

Even if your life is crazy busy, and you don’t have much time for play, find wins inside of what you are doing.

Instead of just racing to get the report done so you can then blast off into the next project, find some good in what you just achieved or completed. (As the saying goes, take time to smell the roses along the way .)

Literally–notice the plant blooming outside in your yard–enjoy that for a couple seconds.

Notice if you are making progress on a project (even if it’s a bit slow)—feel some satisfaction in the progress.

As you eat, really taste the flavors of your food—savor the good.

As you notice people around you that you like a bit—let it warm you within for 3 or 4 seconds.

Find the many little wins all through your day. This is the Attitude of Gratitude, and it builds a positive perspective of your world—even in tough times.

Lay Out A Path

Some time soon (maybe today?) sit for a brief time with pen and paper. Make a list of things you would do if you didn’t have to be concerned with work, school, family, etc., obligations.

Have you always wanted to try yoga? Have you been thinking about taking up jogging? Perhaps you really love to crochet, or have this great idea for a book. Maybe you used to draw or paint. Whatever it is, write it down. Write it all down.

Then, go back and number each of the things on your list in order of importance to you. Create a list that has been prioritized.

Perhaps you could live just fine if you were never able to start yoga, but could you live without your art? Note which takes the highest priority for you at this part of your life.

Promise yourself that you will start making time in your day (every single day) for at least one of these, even if you only can spend a few minutes on it. It’s part of taking good care of yourself.


The lives we lead are full of shortcuts. We want things to be immediate. Meryl Streep said, “Instant gratification is not soon enough.”

It often seems like we never have enough time to do the things we want and have to do. So quite often our mental and physical health is the first thing to take a backseat. This practice may be alright temporarily, but in the long run neglecting our mind and body leads to destruction. Yet taking care of your health, is only a beginning.

Having the winning attitude, where you are continuously finding the good all around you is crucial. This builds a vibrant, positive inner self.

As you nurture that positive inner self, you become ore vibrant and alive. Be certain you are giving some energy to all parts of your life—mentally, physically, sexually, financially, relationally and spiritually. Be good to yourself—you deserve it.

There is only one you. At the risk of sounding cliché, you are an individual—special, unique, and completely irreplaceable. How can you properly care for others if you don’t take great care of yourself?

Grace Mirabella, a former editor-in-chief of the world-famous Vogue magazine said, “The name of the game is taking care of yourself, because you’re probably going to live long enough to wish you had.”

It all begins within you. Make today, and every day, a great day!

The Best of Success to You! Dr. Larry Iverson

PS. There’s an attitude of winning that supports feeling on top of the world and sets you up for high achievement. To do this with power and purpose go check out >>> .