The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Start Where You Are–Not Where You Wish You Were

You have a large body of knowledge from your experience. Use it. You don’t have to start from scratch when entering into a project.

Draw on what you know—but don’t limit your doing to be exactly like every other time. Give new ways a shot.

Brain research shows that altering the way you do your routine, or experimenting with doing new and different things, energizes you. And in addition, those individuals who vary their routine and do new activities use more of their brain and diminish the likelihood of dementia. Do the routine things you need to, but bring newness into it. It’s good for your head.

Be Fluid Like Water

The master martial artist Bruce Lee was famous for his concept of flowing and fluidity in motion.

He said, “Be like water making its way through cracks. Adjust to the object and you shall find a way around or through it.”

Water encounters things in its path, yet keeps going on. In effect, water applies creativity in getting where it wants to go.

Water takes the shape and form of anything. It squeezes through the smallest of crevices. It’s always pushing toward its destination.

Though it takes time for water to build to the point where there is enough momentum or force, it even breaks dams and levees—those edifices constructed for the sole purpose of stopping it.

Creatively Design Your Path

When an obstacle presents itself to you, it may slow you from reaching your goals. This is where you have to get creative, be like water. Figure out ways to squeeze through, go around, climb over, or break through those obstacles.

Be fluid in finding new paths, knowing there is more than one way to go about accomplishing everything.

You can be, do and have whatever you desire. Use your amazing imagination and design the reality you want–create a life worth living.

Take action toward your preferred destination. Awaken your creative unconscious and build a superb life. Life is a painting and you are the artist—go for it!

The Best of Success to You! Dr. Larry Iverson

PS. How would you like to learn one of the most powerful methods ever developed for tapping into the power of your mind? Begin applying the power of your mind today. >>> Go there and you can also pick up a free copy of my digital book and audio program “Energize Your Life”. Go get yours now.