The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


The Secret to Getting Great Results

Is there a time to say, “That’s enough of that, time to do something else?” Certainly there is-in every endeavor. Knowing when to walk away is crucial.

Discouragement is normal. Remember working on a months long work project, or taking on a big task like painting an entire house, or struggling to overcome a chronic illness? It is tough to keep going.

It’s easier for the human mind to be pessimistic than it is to be optimistic. Not only that, if you are negative, people will often give you attention and commiserate with you because you are whining. You need to keep feeding optimism just like you would a fire, or it will dwindle and die.

The phenomenal Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily!” Perseverance doesn’t last, that’s why you have to keep feeding it with a strong “reason why” you should keep going. Your strong reason why is what makes the difference.

“Men fail much oftener from want of perseverance, than from want of talent.” William Cobbett (1763-1835)

You have many talents that will most likely never be one-hundred percent utilized. Refine your skills. Learn a new twist or application to what you can do. Keep seeking your goals, and striding ever closer because you will never know when you will break through and attain your desired outcome.

When you persevere—you are coming ever closer to attaining what you dream! Keep on. Develop the attitudes and skillsets which magnetize you for success. You can be, do and have whatever you desire—persevere!

Here are strategies for taking your life and performance to the next level. Check out the downloadable program: