The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Thought Power–Design Your Life

What does your brain do to you when you tell yourself…?
“That’ll take forever to complete.”
Or, “I’m uncertain what to do first.”
Or, “That’s so hard….”
Both your motivation and your energy drop–instantly!

When there’s something you need to get done or want to achieve, make your mental focus what you “can do” versus “so hard” or “never get it done”.

So what if it’s hard. You have challenged yourself literally hundreds of thousands of times up to this point in your life. You have learned an incredible number of skills.

When you passionately want something, your brain and body connect work together to get you what you want. Passion, desire, enthusiasm are propellants for boosting you into action.

Creating a mental image, a vision that you believe is possible, even if you aren’t completely certain how to get there, enhances your mental and physical energy.

On the other side of the coin, a goal or desired outcome you think is unrealistic or unattainable, diminishes your energy and puts the brakes on your action.

Don’t let others “rain on your parade.” Your goals and vision are yours, and they live or die, depending on what you are choosing to focus on.

Whether another person approves or disapproves of what you want to do is completely irrelevant. Do you think there has ever been an athlete or artist who was not criticized at some time?

Don’t be concerned if you aren’t perfect or always the best. Just focus on your ultimate outcome, the steps along the way–and go for it!

Keep focused on your goals and take the first step! By maintaining an attitude of possibility, many of your dreams will be fulfilled. And, not only that, but you will feel energized as you are moving through the process.

You can be, you can do, and you can achieve whatever you are willing to envision and take consistent action toward.

The Best of Success to You!

PS. I developed a strategy that can help you break through old negative attitudes and self-defeating patterns. Know precisely how to run your brain better. Check it out >>> . When you go there, pick up my gifts for you of a free digital book, audio program and video. Begin using them to create the life you want now.