The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Use Your Power To Excel

If you feel stuck–you are mistaken.
If you think there are no options–there are.
If life is rough–then it’s time for goals and action.

Just because there are blocks and barriers it doesn’t mean you have no power. It just means it’s time to learn new ways and become more creative about achieving your goals.

Break free from the “Ain’t it awful, pity party club”. Stop that negative self-talk. That will defeat you faster and more surely than any adversary you could face.

Knock off obsessing over what you “ought” to be doing (more negative self-depreciating thinking). Instead direct your focus and energy into what you can begin doing now or in the immediate future.

There are times when limitations will stop you. If that happens it just means you are still alive and breathing and living in reality. But it doesn’t mean quit–it just means learn new ways and get creative.

The best way to begin moving beyond doubt is by stopping focusing on those doubts. You break free of it with positive self-talk and taking action. That combination frees your mind and boosts your energy.

Within you is power. Use it to find options. Use your power to decide and commit. Use that mind/body power to take action in the direction of worthwhile goals.

You have amazing potential. Today is time to step up and let ‘r rip! Go for the best you can do today. You will have no regrets from doing your best–always.

Here’s a strategy for taking your life to greater fulfillment and achievement—the downloadable program “Living with Power and Purpose”. Check it out at: