The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Your Attitude Shows — Make It A Great One

How do you do what you do?

I’m not asking what you do for a job or hobbies, etc. But what do you do in the broader sense, meaning how do you live your life?

A couple weeks ago I was outside when the garbage collector came by for pick-up.

We noticed each other and I just said “hi” with a slight smile.

And he immediately replied back, “Isn’t today just wonderful!”

The way he stated that, I instantly knew precisely what he meant it! I could see it in his non-verbal behavior and gestures, the fullness, passion and tone of his voice, his warm smile, and the twinkle in his eye.

That guy, at that moment, made me feel enriched just by the power and genuineness of his four word statement.

We talked for only a moment and my thoughts as he drove off were, “What a great guy! He’s someone I think I’d enjoy knowing.”

During a speech Mark Twain was giving, he said “Let us live so that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry.” Wow!!! What a great goal!

Every moment of each day you have the opportunity to add a bit more beauty, texture and value to our planet. It begins by what lives within your mind. What is your core focus?

Are you keeping your mind and actions focused on possibilities and positive outcomes? If you live the attitudes and actions of positivity—the world will be enriched just from your being here.

And here’s the real secret—when you live this energized positive life, whether anyone else notices or not (which they will)—you will feel absolutely fantastic!

The first person to win is you, because you feel great. The successive wins come to everyone else you interact with who are enriched by what you bring in to their experience. Make today a spectacular day!

The Very Best of Success to You! Dr. Larry