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The Five Core Components To Building Rapid Success (Part 2)

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(…continued from last week)

Taking Responsibility

You have to take responsibility for creating your life. You have to decide what you’re willing to give up. You have to decide what you’re willing to do.

So you design your vision. It’s a detailed map for going from where you are today to where you desire to be in the future. You have to look at the exact steps; the details of your goal or your vision.

You don’t have to know every little piece of it along the way. You don’t have to know every detail. But you have to begin to put some of the details together and at least generally know the steps you want to move in the process of going there. One of the things you have to do is be 100% honest with yourself about where you are today and where you want to get to.

You see, there’s really no such thing as a perfectly balanced life. Crises erupt, priorities shift, finances or health changes. But you need to do what you can in those things you can and do have some control over to get some balance in your life. Your vision, your desired outcome, your goals, must be for all parts of your life—not just some, but for all parts of you life.

The Life Wheel

There is a process I use when I do trainings with people and it helps them look at their life. It’s called a Life Wheel. It’s the six core areas that are the main parts of our life. There’s 1. physiology and health, 2. career and finances, 3. home and relationships, 4. recreational, social and cultural involvements and contributions, 5. learning and personal development, and 6. mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.

I want you right now to do a little experiment with me. If you’re where you can write, I want you to grab a pen and a paper if you don’t have one already, and just do this experiment. Play along with me here. It’ll be quite eye opening I’m sure.

I’d like you to draw a circle that’s three or four inches in diameter. Big, round circle three or four inches in diameter. Now, I want you to intersect that circle in specific ways. I want you to cut it, like you’re cutting a pie, into six equal pieces.

The Life Wheel

The first line I want you to draw straight up and down, top to the bottom of the circle, and then two more lines across the circle. So you’ve cut it into six equal pieces of a pie, okay. When you get done it will look sort of like an old wagon wheel with six main spokes is what it really is. Now, on these lines you’ve drawn through that circle cutting this into six pieces of pie or a wagon wheel with six spokes on it radiating from the center out. I want you to think about that each of these lines, or each of these pieces of the pie are one of those six areas of your life, okay. It’s a metaphor.

So what I’d like you to think about is that in the center of the circle near the hub there is a zero value there. There’s no energy right at the center of the circle. At the outer edge of the circle on the outside of the wheel it self would be a 10. Each one of those lines is like a sliding scale. It goes from zero in the middle of the circle to a 10 at the maximum on the outside.

So here’s what I want you to begin doing; I want you to think about it this way. These six pieces of this pie are the six areas of your life. A zero means I am giving no energy or time to that part of my life. It’s something I’m not focusing on. I’m not doing much with it at this point in time. Just really not much happening there.

On the other hand, a 10 means I’m really giving it a powerful, a huge amount of focus and energy to it every frequently. I’m putting a lot into it. So zero is no time or energy, up to 10 is I’m strongly focusing on it. I’m really doing everything I can to make it happen. I want you to rate the various parts of your life.

Life Wheel Process

So to begin, the first line that’s running straight up and down from the center up is representative of the piece of pie just to its right. I want you to rate on a scale of in the center up to 10 at the top – I want you to put a dot on that line somewhere between zero and 10. Zero means no energy, 10 a lot. I want you to put a dot on the line as to how much energy you spend on that on your physiology and your health. How much time and energy do you spend on taking care of your body, making sure you have good nutrition, taking supplements that can perhaps help you maintain health and energy and vitality? What are you doing to perhaps take care of your physiology in such a way that you’ll live longer, healthier, more vitality, greater energy? How much do you do on a regular ongoing daily basis to make sure that’s happening for you, on a scale from zero to 10?

The next line is your home and your relationships. That’s the one that is sort of diagonally pointing up on the right. And again, how much time and energy do you spend really working and making your home and your relationships, the people that are most important to you, how much energy to you really put into that on a regular ongoing daily, day after day, week by week, basis. How much energy are you really spending there? Zero to 10, rate yourself.

The next line which is now going down to the right is your recreational, your social, your cultural involvement and contributions. The things you do, the involvements you have with the community and the world around you, your cultural engagements and those types of things. How much energy are you putting into your social cultural involvements 0 to 10?

The next line is your learning and your personal development. How much time do you spend on a day by day basis helping yourself grow and move and learn and improve who you are as a human being, who you are as a business person, who you are as a member of society, as a part of your family? How much time and energy do you spend on you, developing you—your learning and education?

And the next one your mental, emotional and spiritual self. How much time and energy do you spend growing who you are? On taking care of your emotional self, on managing who you are and making sure you’re okay and you’re doing really well. How much time and energy do you truly spend on that? Zero to 10; think about it.

So the last line is the piece of pie which is your career and finances. How much energy are you putting in to this?

(to be continued…)

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