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Archive for 'Books'

Yes—It’s Possible

(An excerpt from Dr. Larry’s eBook “Growing Confidence & Esteem”) Is there any area of your life where being confident, poised and feeling good about yourself would not be of benefit? You can begin building an unshakeable belief in yourself. Daily you can generate the beliefs and attitudes crucial to the mind set of success. […]

Posted: November 24th, 2010 under Books.
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Change Is Inevitable

(The following is an excerpt from Dr. Larry’s eBook “Embracing Change”) Socrates said, “Change is the only constant.” I’m not certain if it’s the only constant, but I fully agree that there’s always going to be change. Change at home, change at work, change in your physiology and your body, change in your mind, change […]

Posted: November 17th, 2010 under Books.
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