Archive for 'Uncategorized'
World War II had ended. After all the treaties had been signed, Winston Churchill was being interviewed by a large gathering of journalists from around the world. Of the many questions he was asked, one was why did the Allied powers win the war? Mr. Churchill discussed strategy, weapons, troops, and dozens of facets of […]
Posted: October 13th, 2010 under Inspirational Story, Uncategorized.
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Shift Your Perspective
Do you have something currently going on that’s bothering you? Perhaps a problem that is causing worry or stress? I’d like you to shift perspectives for just a moment. Imagine that instead of that being your challenge—it’s someone else dealing with it. When you step back from your situation and look at it as an […]
Posted: October 6th, 2010 under Inspirational Story, Uncategorized.
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Your Life Experiment
You can take action, or you can procrastinate. You can go for it, or you can make excuses why you can’t. Going for it can be scary, but ultimately it’s much more fun, and significantly more fulfilling. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.” […]
Posted: September 29th, 2010 under Tips for Success, Uncategorized.
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You Are A Heat Seeking Missile
Every moment of every day, you are seeking some target. The question is—what kind of target are you aiming at? Are you focused on lack, fear, poverty, negativism, self-doubt, reasons why something can’t be done? If that is central to your thinking, then that is what your heat seeking mind will be working to create […]
Posted: December 8th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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Blow Your Limitations Away
Your biggest limitation is your mind. Change it—and the limitations vanish. Have you ever had something you really wanted to do, and you probably could have done it, but your mental state stopped you? Your fear, worry, embarrassment, anxiety, whatever, just nailed your feet to the floor? To take the risk and do what you […]
Posted: December 1st, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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You Are Absolutely Amazing
There is no other person on earth with the exact skills, knowledge and potential that you have. Not One! Your job, is to become the best you that you can be. Not a copy of some other amazing person—but an exceptional you. You are here to “LIVE YOUR LIFE”! Not someone else’s life, or what […]
Posted: November 10th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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Overcoming Inertia
Things are hard at times—are they not? That’s all relative…. The level of difficulty is a perspective. One person may think studying all night to get a good grade on a test is really hard, and to another person, it’s not hard—it just needs to be done. Action is just action. Whether it’s difficult or […]
Posted: October 27th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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It’s Here, Right Now
Guess what… It’s time…. The bell has rung, and the session begun. You are in the race whether you like it or not. The race is the “Dash Through Life”. Isn’t it a trip? Don’t be overly concerned about how long it will take, or if it seems to be going too fast or too […]
Posted: October 20th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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