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The 6 Secrets to Applying the Mind-Body Connection (Part 3)

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(…continued from last week)

Secrets to Applying the Mind-Body Connection

1. Seed Thoughts
2. Full Sensory System Impact
3. Emotional Connection
4. Building Conscious Dreams
5. Clearing Past Programming
6. Good Mental Hygiene.

We’re now going to address each of these.

Seed Thought Power

Seed thoughts are a combination of your belief system and your internal dialog. You are what you believe about yourself. The belief-language is the invisible link between your physical body, your physical reality and the emotional reality and thoughts that you have and hold within you.

Emotions have both a mental and a physical expression.

Seed thoughts have to do with your belief systems and what you’re telling yourself. Doctors now definitively know that the brain and the body work together to create or diminish health.

If you’ve ever seen a dermatologist, one of the first questions the dermatologist will ask you is, “Have you had much stress in your life lately?”

What does stress have to do with this? It is a psychological component that can trigger a reaction in the body. So a seed thought is a mental component that can make things pop-out in your physiology. It’s a mental-physical link.

Attend to Core Beliefs

Core beliefs are assumptions that you make about your everyday life, about who you are, about the work you do, about the people in your life, etc. These core beliefs come from seed thoughts, and because of the power of the belief, can give rise to new seed thoughts.

Seed thoughts include attitudes, emotions, your thinking patterns, what you do physiologically. A seed thought is truly an idea that gets planted in your mind and grows into manifestation that affects both your mind and you physiology.

A seed thought and the associated belief system, can be health promoting, or like weeds it can choke out the flowers in the garden and be health disturbing. The mind-body connection is not just about health but is about your overall success and who you are.

Don’t Be Rash

Years ago I was doing therapy with a woman to assist her in dealing with the emotions surrounding her divorce.

Unknown to me, during the divorce process, she had developed a rash on her chest and her back. She saw a dermatologist who had given her a number of different prescription creams. The creams didn’t do any good.

The doctor asked if she had much stress. She replied, “Yes, I’m going through a divorce.” He said the rash may be resulting from some of the tensions produced through dealing with the divorce, and recommended she talk to me about this in therapy.

During our next session, she said, “I want to specifically deal with the anger that’s going on around the divorce. I’m furious and have just been trying to ignore it, and it’s not getting any better.”

When she began to process and overcome her anger, her rash began to diminish. She had stopped using the creams and so it was not the creams that made the difference. The more the anger disappeared, the more the rash disappeared—until it was finally all gone. The mind-body connection of the anger created this heat sensation inside of her physiology that drove this rash.

When she went back to check in with the dermatologist and he saw the rash going away, he asked her how she was feeling. When she said she felt much better that her anger was diminishing, he said he had seen this happen many times.

Use Your Mind for Impact

Often times the mind-body connection can trigger reactions in the physiology.

Have you ever noticed that if you feel depleted, drained or depressed, that all of a sudden you may catch a cold? It’s because of the mind-body connection.

Mind-body researcher Dr. Burl Paine said he knows that thoughts activate neurological hormone secretions and stimulate nerve centers throughout the body. Using very sensitive EMG (electromyography) instruments that measure nerve conductivity and muscle tensions, he said he can show that muscles are activated by just imagining movement.

When you think about moving your hand (even though you don’t move it) they can see that the nerves are actually being triggered. There are tiny currents that are flowing through the nerves, into the muscles of the hands. When you even think about the movement, your brain sends a signal through your body.

Though we may not even be aware when thoughts are being generated in the brain, it seems clear that once they are released, they get amplified and turned into action.

Every thought you think influences millions of atoms in the cells in your body. This mind-body connection energy process that this physicist Burl Paine uses in his EMG research shows that the mind-body connection is beyond just a thinking process, it is a physiological neural response that triggers immediate reactions in the body.

Attitude Is….

Dr. Norman Cousins, while a professor at UCLA Medical School, came down with a physically debilitating illness called ankylosing spondylitis. This is an extreme form of degenerative arthritis.

He was getting worse and worse to the point where he was hardly able to even move without extreme pain. What he stumbled on, was that when he had at least ten minutes of really good laughter, it gave him a couple hours of pain relief!

Not only did the laughter relieve pain, but through the process of having a more a lighter attitude, the inflammation began to reduce. Through laughing, through keeping this attitude more positive, he felt more in control of his destiny and his body began to heal.

Medicine had been unable to help with his illness, but through his thinking processes, Dr Cousins was able to eliminate his illness. As a result of this, he went on to write a book called “Anatomy of an Illness”, which inspired thousands of others.

After writing the book he received letters from over 2300 physicians saying they had used similar processes with patients of their own, and had seen very positive results in the healing.

The positive attitude, the proactiveness, the happiness and laughter, all make a difference and trigger the body’s healing resources.

Medicine now knows that when you are depressed or you’re feeling stressed, the body releases certain neuro-chemicals that cause tensions and stressors to elevate in the body. When you are happy, when you’re being proactive, it releases other neuro-chemicals that help your body heal, grow stronger and overcome virus or bacteria that are attacking it, like the white blood cell experiment done by Dr. Dubos.

Choose wisely the seed thoughts that you’re focused on. The beliefs you hold closely can make a major difference in your physiology, in your performance, in your overall success.

(to be continued…)

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