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Wake Up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back (Part 1)

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(…continued from last week)

It’s Time For Action

Do you ever wonder just what needs to be done to take your life to the next level?

Are there habits you have that maybe aren’t the best, or that get in your way at times?

Have you ever said to yourself, ‘There must be a way for me to be able to do __________?’ But you just let it slip away. You never took action, never got yourself going, you thought about it a lot but just never quite got there.

“Be In Command”
If you want to take your persuasive abilities to a much higher level, this program will show you exactly how to do that now.
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The following are strategies that will give power and focus to your desired outcomes. You will gain methods for breaking through worry and frustration faster and easier beginning immediately. This is important because those thinking patterns can get in your way.

The only person who can really stop you is you. You can begin taking steps today to move your life forward much more effectively.

It’s time to quit wishing and start achieving. You can begin applying the essential strategies to creating the future you desire. Let’s begin working on that now in Wake up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns that Hold You Back.

Taking Back Control

It was the spring of 1871. A young man in medical school was feeling confused about his future. He was worried about passing his exams, what he was going to do with himself, what type of doctor he wanted to be, where he would go, how he would build a practice, would he ever be able to afford to have a family, and have the kind of life he desired?

As he was pondering this and being stressed with all the things going on in medical school, he read 21 words that changed his life. The 21 words that this young medical student read helped him to become one of the most famous physicians of his generation.

He organized the world famous John Hopkins School of Medicine. He became a Regis professor of medicine at Oxford, which is the highest honor that can be bestowed on any medical man or woman in the British Empire. He was knighted by the King of England. When he died, there were two volumes, totaling 14,066 pages that were essential to telling the story of his life.

Who was this person? Sir William Osler. Here are the 21 words that he read in the spring of 1871 that changed his life.

They came from Thomas Carlyle. It set him up to break himself free of all those concerns, those worries, those problems that were dragging him down and blocking him from performing at his peak.

The life-changing 21 words were:
“Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.”

This does not mean that you do not need to have goals.

This does not mean that you do not need to think about your future.

This does not eliminate the need for organization, for building things that are going to have long term effects.

It does mean that even with those things, we need to look at today and what’s going on right now at this moment.

(to be continued…)

Has this program caught your interest? Just can’t wait to hear the next segment? Or perhaps you’d like to download the entire program to your phone or tablet and listen during your travels? You can purchase and immediately receive this entire program as a digital download. You will receive all 10 audio segments, plus a 24 page PDF transcript! Order Now: Wake Up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back

Be In Command
Develop A Commanding Presence To Present Authoritatively And Persuasively. Take your skills of influence and persuasion to a whole new level. Develop greater Leadership Command Presence in this fast-paced, step-by-step program by Dr. Larry Iverson. You will learn the skills that create charisma and credibility — skills that are used by Generals, Professional Negotiators, Incident Commanders and other professionals who require instant respect. Using the verbal and nonverbal tactics taught here, you can get people to immediately like you and believe you. This gives you strategies essential to gaining rapid credibility.