The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Step-In to Your Power

Do you ever feel overwhelmed?  Does it ever seem like it’s just too hard or too much to make the progress you want?  Are there times where the obstacles just seem to mount up so high it’s hard to see past them?

When difficulties amass, you can get stuck in “too hard” or “too much” or you can step-in to your power.  You can choose to amplify your action.

Worry, anxiety, negative-self talk will all bury you.  You can choose to focus on the problem, or the solution—either way it’s your choice.

Whatever you focus on most, you will attract more of that into your life. If all you focus on is your problems and obstacles you will be stuck with them.  Get strong.  Focus on what you desire to be, do and achieve.

During the challenging times of your life you need to stimulate your creativity. Look for opportunities outside the box.  When you open your mind you open up the possibilities.

“To change one’s life: Start immediately! Do it flamboyantly! No exceptions!”

Dr. William James (1842-1910)

Letting the “glums” be your core focus will drag you through the muck. Stop choosing that focus!  When you pick a plan and start, you feel better. A little movement is all it really takes.

Choose you!  Choose achievement over stuckness.!  Choose today to make a new great beginning in an aspect of your life. You will feel great once you start, and become even more energized as you progress—no matter what comes at you.