The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


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Implementing the success strategies of others is an easy way to boost your self-confidence and get you moving. A positive attitude can be generated by observing how others have successfully created one.

If you surround yourself by people who are negative—it’s tough to be positive. It’s like living in a vacuum that extracts the good, leaving the negativity behind. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Make a conscious effort to spend as little time as possible around negativity.

Figure out exactly what you want. Work out what goals you have passion for. Don’t let others distract you from your objectives. Personal development is not only possible—it’s impossible not to have it. The bottom-line is what kind of development are you doing—one that lifts you, or one that drags you down?

Create a clear, accurate picture of what you are excited about and desire to have in your life. Everything you want is here in abundance. There is no shortage of money, success, friends, learning—ways to attain your desired outcomes. The only requirement, is that you take action, learn from your results, and go again. You must keep after your goals until you get them. Don’t quit.

When you surround yourself with passionate, achievers—attaining what you desire becomes easier. Think of the most positive people you know, and arrange to spend time with them every week. The power of their positivity can energize you.

W. Clement Stone said, “There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative!”

Focus on what you can achieve, and take small incremental steps to make change happen. There will always be obstacles—that’s life. Your job is to just—keep—moving!

Set your goals, dream on them, and take action so you are living them. Don’t let obstacles stop your achievement—it’s your birthright. You can be, do and achieve whatever you are willing to tenaciously take action on—go for it!