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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


How To Break-Through Your Problem

Ever have a problem? Stupid question, right….

Quite often the solution to the problem has nothing to do with the problem itself at all. Yes, you do need to take time to focus on the problem. Look at it from many perspectives so you thoroughly understand it. Then it’s time to shift your primary focus to the solution instead of the issue.

There are many times where the process of taking care of the problem is to quit focusing on the problem, and start putting your energy into a new path.

“That which you resist persists.” Siddhartha Gautama Buddha (563-483 BC) If all you can see is the problem, guess what—it is very likely you’ll continue to have that problem. The human mind tends to attract to us whatever we focus on most.

Again, I’m not saying to ignore the challenge you are facing. But don’t make that all you think about. Get a 30,000 foot view—take a look at the big picture. You have amazing resources at your disposal. And, you can put them into play in an endless variety of ways. The number of ways is limited only by your creative imagination.

Instead of spending your time visualizing and “worrying” the possible disaster, use the power of your subconscious to create options. Spend time visualizing positive possibilities!

There is not a dead-end, until you are dead.

Is it hard—probably. Will it be scary—I’d bet on it. Are you guaranteed success—no, but if you don’t go for it you are guaranteed failure.

Until you breathe your last breath—there are options. Intentionally seek out the possibilities. The game is not over until you say “I quit”—so don’t.