The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Make Today A Great Day

What would your life be like if the part of your mind that doubted what is possible for you to accomplish, was gone? That limiting part of your brain that picks on you and tells you things are impossible just vanishes. What would you begin thinking you could do?

Your imagination is amazing. When you begin putting it to work to create a great life, instead of telling you what you can’t do, wonderful things can begin to happen.

There are obstacles. Things won’t always work out the way you’d hoped. People get in the way of something you want to achieve (accidentally or on purpose.) You get discouraged. Resources you’d planned on fall through. All of that is just the “stuff” of life.

Failure begins in ones’ mind. Just because something happens or doesn’t go the way it was planned, does not mean failure. Only when you give up and quit is there failure–and that is determined by you. Your imagination can generate dozens of solutions to any difficulty you encounter. Just don’t be the limiter of what it can do.

What ultimately blocks you is your thinking. What ultimately frees you to take action and succeed is your thinking. What type of thought pattern will you choose?

Just because you haven’t attained your goal yet doesn’t mean you can’t. You just have to keep moving and go down alternate pathways. There are ways–you just have to keep searching and taking new actions.

Focus on what’s possible, delete the doubt.

Choose the positive, detach from negative.

Take steps today to begin building your success. No one can stop you except you. Focus on your goal and then move! Make today your new beginning. You deserve it!

The Best of Success to You,

Dr. Larry

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