The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Massive Possibilities

Today is abundant with possibilities. Today you can achieve massive results.

What’s stopping you from achieving your dreams—only you….

Conditions are not ever perfect.  There are times that it may be easier, but they still won’t be ideal.  Still—you can move forward.  Progress is a choice, and it’s not really dependant on circumstance.

What would you really like to do? What goals would you like to attain?  Where would you like to take your career, finances, relationship, health—well you can begin it today.

Rarely is any great thing achieved in one fell swoop.  It takes time, but you must begin it now, for now is all there is.

There is only one person that can create your reality, and you see them in the mirror daily.  You have to choose you to do it.  You have to take the time to begin—don’t worry about the finish yet—just begin.

The path of someday leads to the village of no where.  Someday will never come.  Creating a plan, and implementing your plan will get you there.

Let today be your day to start. Choose you to be the one to make a difference in one situation or one experience. You can do this, because you have massive possibilities.