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Progress Is The Road

Have there been things you’ve considered doing, but were intimidating in some way, so you just never took that first step? Perhaps you’ve considered enhancing a skill you already possess, but to take it to the next level is just way to much time and effort, so you settle for what is now.

Progress in anything results from attempting with conviction. It’s doing something you’ve never done before, or done in quite that way, and so it challenges you.

To grow your power in all areas demands you step beyond what is comfortable and familiar. For most, that is a scary thought…. No one or anything can stop you unless you give in. The unfamiliar becomes your friend when you challenge its strangeness.

Around the next bend is an incredible host of possibilities for you. Potential opportunities enough to make you giddy with anticipation if you only knew them all. With them comes the newness and difficulty of developing skills to harness the possibilities.

To go to a new place, requires maneuvering through the obstacles on the road.

Is it hard to develop new skills or expand your knowledge and abilities? Yes, and it’s harder for some than others.

Step outside your comfort zone and evolve. It takes courage to give something new a shot.

Doing it means facing multiple frustrations and challenges. Rarely is there only one single frustration you encounter as you learn and make progress. They normally come in a group, with their friends.

And though the hurdles are many in your learning curve and growth, the personal satisfaction and rewards are beyond your greatest imaginings—if you but go and do.

Go ahead—take action! Do what only you can do in your own unique way.

You have unlimited potential. You would shock yourself if you were to release your inhibitions and just go for it. You create your own destiny. You are designed to make great things happen. You can be, do and have whatever your mind and heart desire, and you are willing to take action on.

Be flexible. Sure, you are more comfortable doing things the way you always have, and there is nothing wrong with that. Yet, the opportunity for personal satisfaction and reward grow exponentially as you expand your skills.

You have intelligence enough to handle whatever comes up while on your journey of expansion. It’s true; there are people who are smarter, tougher, richer, more innovative—but so what! They aren’t you….

Don’t sell yourself short. No one else can do what you can. They can’t make the contribution you can. Only you can develop all you are capable of becoming.

Everyday, give that day, and all you do, your best. You have amazing potential. Grab on to the opportunities to explore the boundaries of who you can be each day. Begin now to turn your possibilities into your reality.