The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Put “Want To” Into It

Do you ever find yourself fighting inside about what you “have to” do? Well, give up the fight and turn it into “want to”. Instantly your life becomes way less complicated, and your desire gets a kick start.

In every task, you can be grumbling and grumpy, just whining about the “lousy task I “have to” do.” Yes…you can choose to do that—but why? Do you like misery? Instead, wouldn’t it be better to choose to be enthused and proactive. That’s all it really is—it’s a choice of perspective.

When you begin the negative self-talk that generates, dread or procrastination, catch that little gremlin in your head. Get over that now. Jump in. Choose to get on with it. When you quit saying I don’t want to—and you replace it with “I will now do __________.” your day just got easier.

Actually it’s really quite easy to alter attitudes. You can do it by just shifting your internal dialogue. But, that presupposes you are conscious of what you’re telling yourself. You need to begin listening, and then consciously send that inner self-talk in the direction of personal effectiveness and satisfaction.

Whatever task you need to tackle, it becomes significantly easier when you ramp up you internal cheerleader. Us it. It exists for your benefit. So get on with it. You can coach you better than anyone else ever could. Things will flow more smoothly, and you will enjoy the process significantly more.

When you consciously send your brain the direction you want—instead of letting it get on the network of “Brains Gone Wild!” your life rapidly simplifies. Your mind is a random accessing device. When you challenge it by providing direction and focus—you feel great—and quickly begin to receive the prizes from living a life of choice. Do this today, and your life becomes more effective, while simultaneously you experience an inner warmth and sense of accomplishment.

Make Today A Great Day! Dr. Larry