The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


The Start of Your Day

How is your day going? The way it unfolds usually matches the tone of your mood when you began your morning.

Start off with an attitude of optimism. Believe there can be good come out of today. No day is written—it will become whatever you make it.

Your brain is a random accessing devise. If you don’t choose the direction it will go—it will pick one all on it’s own. AND the direction it moves may not be one you will like.

When you begin your day as a clean slate, no matter how tough it’s been up to now, you be open to having great things happen. Thomas Edison said, “In my experiments I often hit a dead end. But I make myself stay optimistic that a solution can be found, and my mind goes to work and begins to deliver possible options.”

Keep your mind positive and open. Vince Lombardi once said, “The Greenbay Packers never lost a game. They just ran out of time.” How’s that for a perspective!

Make sure that from the very beginning of your day you are focused on positive outcomes. When you start your day “up”, and all day you keep moving toward your desired results , you will experience a deep richness in your life.

The Best of Success to You, Dr. Larry