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Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Create Your Reality

Don’t let others hook you. Whatever they say or do is just that—what they said or did. It really has nothing to do with you. If they are behaving negatively, projecting garbage into your world, that’s their problem. And it will stay their problem unless you take it on. Make a choice—Don’t! You don’t have […]

Posted: October 13th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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Put “Want To” Into It

Do you ever find yourself fighting inside about what you “have to” do? Well, give up the fight and turn it into “want to”. Instantly your life becomes way less complicated, and your desire gets a kick start. In every task, you can be grumbling and grumpy, just whining about the “lousy task I “have […]

Posted: October 6th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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It’s Your Time

Right now is the time for action. This very moment is your time to live and experience all you can. This moment is all there is. Every moment of every day you have the opportunity to make a difference. When a thought enters your mind, the chance to make something new and unique is right […]

Posted: September 29th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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Give Yourself Permission

Look at your day today. How have all the things you’ve done gone? Probably a mixed bag of exceptional on down to poorly. Feel all of your feelings—the good ones, and the bad. They are what make you a person. Mentally give yourself permission to feel them all. The issue is to not get trapped […]

Posted: September 22nd, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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Enjoy Right Now

Every day has things to enjoy and be thankful for. Enjoy your right now. Find that kernel of fulfillment lying dormant within each activity. Are some things you do mundane? Chores that just need to be done? Well, do them with a light heart instead of drudgery, and focus on the step-by-step achievement—instead of grumping. […]

Posted: September 15th, 2009 under Uncategorized.
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