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Assumptions For Success

Have you heard the saying, “When you ‘assume’ it makes and ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’?” There are times that assuming can definitely do that. But without assumptions your life would be much more complicated.

You need to assume the best will happen for you, and then do your best work to make that assumption come true.

Assume you can succeed. Assume you can do what needs done, then go out and find a way to turn that thought into reality.

Your assumptions generate a powerful influence over your thoughts, actions and focus. If you want to be more, do more and have more–make your assumptions about your life and work more positive.

There are so many choices of action, that you couldn’t possibly see them all. When you decide to act on one option, assume you will succeed.

The majority of people enter into new events expecting to fail. Failure is a possibility. But instead of having that as your focus, assume that somehow, someway things will work out and go well for you and your endeavor.

Having assumptions won’t give you the life your desire. Yet they can boost your positive perspective so you feel more like you can succeed. That feeling of positive possibility is one of the criteria of success.

When you assume the best, you will find there are plenty of opportunities arise to make it happen. Focus on the positive, and detach from the negative.

Here is a way you can power up your thinking and actions for a better future. Check out: