The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Moving Beyond Mistakes

Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate said, “If I don’t have at least two or three people a day laugh at me—I know I’m not on the right track. You’ve got to risk making mistakes.” These were not people laughing “with” him; these were people laughing “at” him.

Do you ever blow it? Do you make mistakes? Have you had it happen in front of others, and it’s embarrassing? Oh well, go for it anyway…….

Elbert Hubbard said, “Everyone is a damned fool for at least five minutes every day. Wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.”

Take a moment and think about a professional athlete—they get paid to make numerous mistakes in front of others. Yes they do have to get it right a certain percentage of the time, but most of them strike out, miss shots, are too slow—more than 50% of the time. They are usually wrong more than they are right.

What if you took up painting? What if it isn’t a masterpiece? Does that mean you should quit after your first attempt?

Take up a new sport—if you are lousy, remember most people are when they start.

Prepare a different kind of food than you normally dine on—if it’s inedible, try something else.

Give something new a shot–take a risk. It gets your blood pumping, make neurons in your brain light up new neural pathways, it causes you to confront your “perfectionisms”, and breaks you out of your mold.

There are times you will go for it and it doesn’t work—so what! You took action! Do something else. Let them laugh—if nothing else, you brightened up someone’s’ day. Here is my “congratulations” ahead of time on your next adventure. Let it rock!

The Best of Success to You, Dr. Larry Iverson

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