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The Emotional Bank Account

In the early 1950’s, Ivan Borzormenyi-Nagy introduced the concept of an “Emotional Ledger” or an “Emotional Bank Account” which everyone keeps.

This emotional ledger is the mental record of the good’s and bad’s, experienced or perceived, by an individual. This ledger is the accounting of negatives and positives deposited into the mental and emotional bank account of each person you interact with.

If you have had more positives added into the persons’ ledger concerning your organization, your products, your relationship, etc., then they will feel good about you. If they have more negatives, bad experiences, misgivings or bad feelings, then you will have little currency in that account.

The emotional account ledger within each person’s mind is a summing of all the positive and negative actions and words surrounding each person you meet. The bottom-line of the account is the level of goodwill and trust residing in it at any given time.

With every experience and observation the scale is weighted more to the positive or the negative. Watch what you are adding to the scale.

This ledger is always fluctuating–a little up or down. But there are times when just one positive or negative can immediately reverse the account balance.

If trust is severely broken, years of goodwill and collaborative work can be destroyed. Or, on the other hand, a relationship that has been struggling, can through one action or statement take an immediate leap into life-long friendship and mutual satisfaction.

Therefore, it’s essential to ongoingly ask yourself the question, “Is what I’m doing adding to, or subtracting from, my emotional account balance with this person?” Because every action you take is either adding to or subtracting from the balance.

Best of Success, Dr. Larry Iverson

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