The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Enrich Your Life Right Now

Have you ever had a really fun time in your life? Have you ever been to a beautiful place in nature? Is there an activity you love to do and experience pleasure from?

You can use all of these to enrich your life.

Years ago, I had a beautiful house in rural Hawaii. It sat in the middle of five acres, with a 180o view of the mountains behind, and a 180o view of pasture land and the ocean out in front.

There are times in all our lives that are stressful. An easy way for me to take a break and refresh my mind during the craziness, is to mentally re-experience that amazing Hawaiian view.

I see the scene in 3-D, full color, movie quality, while hearing the sounds and smelling the aromas of that beautiful place. This mental vacation lifts my spirit and relaxes me—revitalizing me for the next thing to be done.

Take a break. You deserve it. Don’t wait until your next vacation 9 months from now. Stress is cumulative and builds up over time. Knock it out with a brief mental vacation—now! You (and everyone who has to deal with you!) will be glad you did.