The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Your Mental Map

What if someone told you to throw your money away—would you? Throwing money away makes no more sense than does throwing away positive thoughts. Yet every time you allow your mind to dwell on negativity and become pessimistic you are throwing away the positive.

What investment are you making with your thoughts? Is your focus being spent on things you fear, worry about, have guilt over, or create anxiety? Or is your focus on uplifting, encouraging, humorous, goal focused aspects of life?

Each thought is your choice. Whatever you dwell on most—you will have more of that in your life.

Is life a struggle at times? If it’s not—you must live on a different planet than the rest of us earthlings. Just because things get tough does not mean you have to spend all your time focused there.

Certainly you need to think about the challenges you face. Yet don’t spend all of your time there. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Thoughts are things and will bring into reality whatever you hold in mind most often.”

Do you want aspects of your life to be different than they are currently? Then picture in vivid detail what you want, multiple times each day. Feel passion deep within you, for that imagined possibility. And take steps regularly toward that. Putting one foot in front of the other will take you to the goal you’ve chosen.

Use the energy of your mind and create your reality. Because wherever your mind is focused most often, will be the road map for the kind of life you will have.