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How to Get Work Done Faster & Easier — Strategies for Effective Time Management

A few of Murphy’s Laws:
“What ever can go wrong, will go wrong.”
“Of all the things that can go wrong, the worst possible thing that can go wrong, will go wrong, at the worst possible time.”
“Everything takes longer than expected, and costs more than budgeted for.”

If you don’t control your time — it will run wild. Hear are strategies documented to assist in having greater control over your time.

1. Concentrate your power. Where do you get your highest ROE (return on equity, or return on energy.) This is learning to ongoingly apply the skills that have helped you achieve at your highest.

2. Use your strengths and do things you’re better at. You’ll have more fun and be more productive. Delegate effectively so others strengths can be put to best use as well. If there is just too much, plan how to begin training/coaching your people—it builds their self-esteem by your belief in them, and makes them more valuable to the organization.

4. Set deadlines and stick to them! It creates internal pressure that assists movement.

5. Develop a fast tempo for working, then maintain it. This is a key success ingredient. Move a bit more quickly than normal. Don’t rush, yet push yourself a bit when you’re beginning a task or project. Maintain a quick, steady rhythm. This pace gives you long-term energy and will increase your level of productivity.

6. Use prioritized lists. Time management research has proven that the most highly effective managers use prioritized list. Ineffective ones don’t use them, and resist writing prioritized lists. You can have a 10% to 20% increase in efficiency just by utilizing accurately prioritized lists. If it’s important enough to do, it is important enough to be written down and prioritized.

7. The Pareto Principle. Vilfredo Pareto, Italian economist, in 1895 postulated the 80/20 Rule. He said that 80% of the value comes from 20% of the people or activities. And, the remaining 20% of the value comes from the other 80%. This applies to health, work, athletics, relationships, etc. 80/20 everything you do! Ask, “Is what I’m doing in the 20% range that creates 80% of the value, moving me closer to my desired result?

8. The Limiting-Step Principle. In every situation there’s at least one bottle-neck which limits how quickly you get from where you are to where you want to be. Before beginning something, determine what the limiting-steps are that may arise.

9. Use creative procrastination. Before beginning any new project, you must decide what you are going to give up or what you are not going to do. What are you going to quit doing, let go of, or delegate. It means stopping some things to have time to do others. This requires decisiveness. You can only do so much. So you must consciously decide what you’re going to let go of.

If you would like to finally get control of your time, go check out >>> “The Secrets to Time Mastery–How To Save At Least 1 Hour Every Day”