Motivation Strategy Can Break Procrastination
The Heart of Motivation
Putting Your Thoughts Into Action (Part 5 of 10)
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(…continued from last week)
The Opposite of Motivation
A saleswoman I coached could not get herself going to fill out the paperwork, her expense reports, and other reports she had to turn in until it became crisis-time. She was required to submit detailed summaries of her clothing lines–inventory on hand, products sold, and expenses at the end of every quarter. This inventory summary had to be completed within 30 days after the end of the quarter or she received a penalty from her company for not getting it in on time. She had to have all three of these things done.
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She had a spreadsheet they provided her, simple, easy-to-use–she never used it. She said if she had just spent a couple of hours at the end of every week summarizing, the summary would have automatically been completed by the end of each quarter but instead of doing that she would see herself stuck in the middle of doing the summary and would dwell on how long it would take. In her mind the couple of hours built up and it seemed like weeks. When she was pondering the chore she’d then think of something else she’d rather do and then she’ll tell herself “Okay I’ll start doing it next week, I’ll catch up on the past ones too.”, and she never did.
This was her pattern for 11 years. At the end of each quarter, she’d spend 3-5 days going through a mountain of paper to get the mandatory statements done by the last moment of the deadline, which was actually 30 days late. She said that at least once a year she’d miss the deadline and because of that she would lose part of her commission. The financials needed to be done for them to be able to buy correctly.
She reported that after running the Motivation Strategy she broke this habit and completely turned that around. She had her weekly reports in every time at the end of the week for herself and when it came time to have the quarterly end finalized, it was done. When I talked to her, it was four months down the road and she’d hit it every week.
There was a young man I was working with who was single, who stored up dirty dishes throughout his apartment. He would use nearly every dish, filling the sink and counter with dirty dishes first, then they would be overflowing everywhere else through the apartment. He’d only do them if guests were coming (how embarrassing) or because the stink would finally get to him, or because he’d run out of dishes and couldn’t eat if he didn’t wash one!
Can you imagine what that would be like? His image was of a mountain of dirty dishes (which it literally was) that would take him a long, long time to clean up. He dreaded even starting it.
From using the Motivation Strategy right after the evening meal, he now rarely has dishes in the sink when he awakens the next day. There are times when going out on a date may preempt doing the dishes but it’s easy to do the dishes. He does the Motivation Strategy, even if he doesn’t really feel like it he sees it done “Wow that’s so much better”, and then he does it. Easy.
(to be continued…)
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The Achievement Manifesto
Have you ever wanted to start on a goal but didn’t quite know what to do to get going? Perhaps you wanted to start a new business venture, but felt you were blocked by a lack of knowledge. Maybe you have something you’d really like to act on but can’t get yourself motivated. The Achievement Manifesto gives you strategies you can use to build the life you desire. Up to today you’ve been behaving the way you do because of old internal programming and the attitudes that support those patterns. You may consider alternatives but most of the time you tend to run on autopilot from your past learning.
Posted: July 22nd, 2020 under Audio Programs.
Tags: coach, crisis, deadline, easy, embarrass, habit, image, motivation, procrastination, see it done, stuck, summary