Put Your Focus On What You Want
The Heart of Motivation
Putting Your Thoughts Into Action (Part 6 of 10)
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(…continued from last week)
Break Procrastination
You have to focus on what you want, not be focusing on what you don’t want. So you want to focus on getting it done, not on getting bogged down in it. If the project you’re going to do is large you may feel overwhelmed, you may procrastinate, you may hesitate, that’s normal.
Procrastination occurs mostly because the task we have seen or are thinking about doing is not broken into manageable chunks. If each piece to be done is large then run strategy on the first piece – not the whole thing, just run it on the first piece. Can I do the first piece? In other words, for writing a book, you may see the whole book done but then run a Motivation Strategy on getting the first page of the first chapter done, for instance, a chunk of a chunk. When you break it into pieces, you say “Yes, I can do that!” and the feeling of being overwhelmed vanishes.
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When in the middle of working on a task if you start to lose motivation or feel overwhelmed, run it again. Stop focusing on what you have left to do, think about what you’ve gotten done, even if it’s only a little bit. Run the strategy on the victory you’ve achieved and what you’ve done so far, then see this part done and create strong, bright images of the secondary gains along with this part that you’ve already completed.
Motivation can also be lost by comparing ourselves to others. Briefly comparing yourself to another at times can spur you into action, yet most often it does something beyond that, it generates the feeling of not being as good, not being enough.
Comparison can be of value but if you compare how you are now with the way you used to be, you can compare and see that you’re developing skills. You’re growing, you’re gaining, and through using the Motivation Strategy you can keep yourself moving forward even further.
Don’t downplay the results that you’re getting. The result you’re achieving is good for where you are with your current abilities. If you want to achieve faster results, to be better at some chosen endeavor, model a highly successful person. The Motivation Strategy formula is a proven model for getting yourself moving! Remember if you accurately model a mental or physical strategy that is achieving superior results, you’ll get the same or similar results. This is the theory behind all coaching and why we have teachers to guide us.
The Motivation Strategy you just learned is highly streamlined. When you apply it effectively, you rapidly stimulate yourself to take action. Use this strategy frequently. It works to help you in things you’re feeling unmotivated about, to get going when you need to. So let’s again look at it.
Number one, what’s the question? Won’t it be nice to have this done?
The answer? Absolutely, yes!
Then see it done in vivid, bright, clear details. Three-dimensional, full color, full sound, big image, close up, see it done. And around it, see all the secondary gains you’ll get from it whether it’s money, leisure time, whatever it is, see it done.
Then you affirm to yourself, you vow “Yes, it’s going to happen, and it’s happening now. I’m going to start right now.”
As you do that, you feel inside yourself that little bit of a boost, which little bit of energy that is kicking you to say “Yeah, get moving now!”
See it, hear it, feel it. Go. You start. You don’t think about it then go do something else. Won’t it be nice to have it done. See it done, I’m going to do this now, feeling that feeling, you then start. You don’t wait, you don’t do something else, you start now.
Use this multiple times a day. Use it on little things. That’s how you really get good at it. Getting phone calls made, getting something written you need to write or edit, setting up a meeting, replying to an email you’ve been avoiding, making a call you have to do. Use it on little things and your mind becomes used to using it. Then when you need to get your power going for a big thing, you have the process well engrained in your subconscious mind.
Use it often, play with it, you will have an incredible asset to make your life even more effective and enjoyable. If you need to review the process, do it. Run it again and again. The more times you do it, the better it will work. Use it on the little stuff and then you have power behind the big stuff.
This is a strategy, just like any other skill, that you have to practice. Don’t let procrastination win. Do it.
(to be continued…)
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Posted: July 29th, 2020 under Audio Programs.
Tags: feel inside, hesitation, leisure, money, overwhelm, power, procrastination, secondary gains, see it done, start now, subconscious mind, victory achieve faster results