The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


Serve Your Way To Success

Do you ever effectively serve others? Certainly you do.

Everything you do has a service component. Service is what life is all about. When you are giving, both you and the other you are assisting are winning. The chance to serve others draws out your skills. It opens up the moment for you to be your best you.

When you are giving of yourself without expectations of some reward for doing it, this feels right deep within. That’s because you are being authentic and doing just for the sake of doing.

Value is created by service. Want a better job–provide more value. Want a better relationship–be more loving and giving. Want to feel happier and freer–then don’t dwell on if those you give to are giving back. Free yourself….

Be the best you that you can. Let service flow automatically, not because you must but because it takes care of you and that which is most important to you. Use your passion, mind and actions to move you in the direction you desire. Serve well.

Here’s a program that will help you take your life and experience to a higher level—“The Power of Winning”. This is a 10 CD and 1 DVD set that will assist you in achieving your goals and achieving the life you desire.