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The World Is Changing Whether We Like It Or Not!

Make Everyday A Great Day!
(Part 4 of 8)

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(…continued from last week)

Affirming Handling Change

Here are other affirmations that can have a major positive impact on your life. As you say/think them, do so with power and with purpose because it helps lift you.

Most people to at least some degree, have difficulty with change. Think about it. Change much of the time is to our good. Yet even if you’re somebody who likes change, change is different from the norm for you. Quite often because it is different from what you’re used to, change tends to have at least some stress connected to it.

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This affirmation is designed to help your mind open to the positive opportunity within change. Even if it’s a struggle, there can be high benefit to implementing something new in your life.

Affirm, see and feel this with power! The affirmation is:

I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.
I welcome change as an opportunity to grow and learn.

Every day the world is changing whether we like it or not. You have to focus on what you can do to take care of yourself, to learn, to evolve, to become more, to make your world better. It’s up to you.

Affirming Happiness

Some affirmations are rather funny. Have you ever seen a bird when it finds a piece of food on the ground, how happy it is? Here’s an affirmation a student of mine years ago shared with me. He said he told himself this day to day because it brought such a positive picture. I want you to think about this because I think it’s true.

The saying, which is a funny thought is, Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry! Think that, have you ever seen a bird catch something they like? Or a piece of popcorn? Or a bread crumb? They get all excited! So create that positive, happy image. Feel that great, happy feeling in your gut! You can even flash through images of times that were very fun and fulfilling. Feel that happy, healthy, vibrant feeling and imagine that you’re just having another great day!

Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry!
Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry!
Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry!
Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry!
Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry!
Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry!
Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry!
Today I will be happier than a bird finding a French fry.

It’s a choice to be that happy and feeling good, is it not? Absolutely!

Salutation To The Dawn

There’s a saying I’ve had on my wall for years, it’s called The Salutation to the Dawn. It says, “Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision, but every today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”

How true it is. You need to think that. You need to focus on that. You need to do what you can to take good care of yourself.

Positive Beginnings

A positive and powerful thought to begin your morning is:

I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!
I will be my best–I can do it! The power is within me! I am a winner! Today is my day!

YES!!! You are a winner! Today can be one of the best days of your life if you go for it! You can give your very best today and make great things happen! Because the power for all of this is truly within you.

(to be continued…)

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