The Institute for Advanced Developement | Dr. Larry Iverson | Strategies for Success | Creating Exceptional Health, Happiness, Relationships and Wealth
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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


See The End Before Beginning

When asked about his art, Michelangelo said, “I see the finished painting or sculpture before I ever begin. I know exactly what it will look like prior to starting.”

Do you have goals you’d like to attain? Would you like to be getting results that are better than ever before? Create the finished product in your mind before you start.

Whether your goal is rearranging your socks drawer, cleaning up your office space, planning an extended vacation, or writing a book—know where you want to end up before you start.

If you want to write a book—break it into manageable steps. Let’s say there are 12 major themes you want to write about. Those 12 become your 12 chapters. You could have 10 things to discuss in each chapter—those become your subchapters within the chapter.

And lets say you will write 2 to 5 paragraphs for each subchapter. Each paragraph will have 3 to 5 sentences.

So you take 1 chapter—decide on the 10 parts of it—pick one of them to write on first—think of 2-5 paragraph topics for that subchapter—decide the theme for each chapter—pick one—write your first sentence—your second sentence—your third sentence…

Congratulations! You’ve just completed the first paragraph of your book.

Take small steps, and the largest task is doable.

–Decide where you are going—see then end result you desire

–Break it into bite sized pieces

–Start on a small piece

–Keep moving—don’t get bogged down—small progress is better than no progress

–Celebrate when you get to your goal.