Tag: step-by-step
Look At Your Partner With New Eyes
Part 14 of 14 from Communication Essentials (continued from last week…) Look at Them with New Eyes Tip number fifteen, look at that person with new eyes. Look at that person every day and think of something about them that you like, love, or admire. Even in the toughest times, even if you’ve been doing […]
Posted: August 3rd, 2022 under Audio Programs.
Tags: admire, best of success, caring, energy, feel good, Go for it, good time, goodness, love, new eyes, relationship building, smile, step-by-step, value
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See The End Before Beginning
When asked about his art, Michelangelo said, “I see the finished painting or sculpture before I ever begin. I know exactly what it will look like prior to starting.” Do you have goals you’d like to attain? Would you like to be getting results that are better than ever before? Create the finished product in […]
Posted: September 1st, 2011 under Tips for Success.
Tags: achievement, getting results, goal setting, goals, Imagination, mental images, Michelangelo, picture results, step-by-step
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