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Negative Self-Talk Eliminator


How to Achieve Your Potential

How many times have you said the word “can’t” in your life?

In actuality the more appropriate word would be “won’t”. It’s not that you can’t, it’s not that you aren’t able, it’s that you are choosing not to do ____________ (wash your car, write the paper, learn something new, confront a troublesome person in your life, etc.)

This great poem by Edgar A. Guest makes the point well. Enjoy and learn!


Can’t is the worst word that’s written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
It springs from the lips of the thoughtless each morning
And robs us of courage we need through the day:
It rings in our ears like a timely sent warning
And laughs when we falter and fall by the way.

Can’t is the father of feeble endeavor,
The parent of terror and halfhearted work;
It weakens the efforts of artisans clever,
And makes of the toiler an indolent shirk.
It poisons the soul of the man with a vision,
It stifles in infancy many a plan;
It greets honest toiling with open derision
And mocks at the hopes and the dreams of a man.

Can’t is a word none should speak without blushing;
To utter it should be a symbol of shame;
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing;
It blights a man’s purpose and shortens his aim.
Despise it with all of your hatred of error;
Refuse it the lodgment it seeks in your brain;
Arm against it as a creature of terror,
And all that you dream of you someday shall gain.

Can’t is the word that is far from ambition,
An enemy ambushed to shatter your will;
Its prey is forever the man with a mission
And bows but to courage and patience and skill.
Hate it, with hatred that’s deep and undying,
For once it is welcomed ’twill break any man;
Whatever the goal you are seeking, keep going
and answer this demon by saying “I can!”

You can do amazing things. The only person who can get in your way is you.

So today, when you encounter a barrier–stop–take a long slow deep breath–and think of at least two things you can do to take action. Even if it’s not perfect action–do something to move forward. If it goes awry, then use the feedback to go again.

Best of Success in All You Can Do, Dr. Larry

Here’s a strategy that rapidly brings greater mental control, deeper focus and the ability to overcome unwanted emotions >>> This puts the CAN into you–now!