Tag: can do
Wake Up! Breaking Out of Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back (Part 9)
Order and download this entire ten-part audio program. (…continued from last week) Be Grateful The third thing that Einstein said we need to remember to do is instead of worrying about ingratitude shown by another, just let it roll off. Quite often, people don’t ever say thank you for services you render. You help someone […]
Posted: April 13th, 2016 under Audio Programs.
Tags: attitude of gratitude, can do, Einstein, grateful, manage difficulties, negativity, positive attitude, power, take action
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How to Achieve Your Potential
How many times have you said the word “can’t” in your life? In actuality the more appropriate word would be “won’t”. It’s not that you can’t, it’s not that you aren’t able, it’s that you are choosing not to do ____________ (wash your car, write the paper, learn something new, confront a troublesome person in […]
Posted: August 28th, 2013 under Tips for Success.
Tags: be positive, can do, Dr. Larry Iverson, mental control, overcome barriers, take action
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